A UFP-UV no Sakai Maintenance Team
Conforme noticiado pela Comunidade Sakai e sua Fundação, a UFP-UV assume a respectiva contribuição e envolvimento com o desenvolvimento da plataforma, pertencendo ao núcleo da equipa de manutenção do software.Eis o texto oficial do anúncio:
"A number of Sakai Community members are participating in the formation of a Sakai maintenance team in order to better address issues in the Sakai code base, as well as provide a mechanism by which institutions can reclaim a portion of their development resources after the delivery of production-ready code. Insitutional contributions involve pledging a named contributor or a set of hours for a specified period of time. For instance, the University of Capetown has contributed a portion of David Horwitz's work week to the team, while the University of Michigan plans to contribute up to .5 FTE/week spread across several developers.
The maintenance team will focus its energies on addressing quality issues in existing code. The team will likely assume responsibility for specific projects no longer maintained by individual institutions and will consider taking on maintenance duties for new projects that are added to a Sakai release. The maintenance team will respect project boundaries and will seek prior permission before addressing issues involving projects with active and stable teams such as Portfolios (OSP) and Test & Quizzes (Samigo).
The maintenance team will use the sakai-dev@collab.sakaiproject.org list for communications among members. If you want to communicate with the maintenance team, please use the dev list.
In Jira, there now exists a default "Maintenance Team" account that can be assigned issues. In the coming days a number of Jira Sakai project component leads will be reassigned to the maintenance team.
Maintenance team membership need not be limited to developers but can (and should) include others who can contribute positively to team activities. For developers, Java experience together with a familiarity of supporting technologies such as Subversion and Apache Maven will be expected. Developers new to Sakai are also encouraged to participate although they should expect that their patches will receive careful review from their more experienced colleagues.
If you are interested in participating in maintenance team activities please contact me at arwhyte@sakaifoundation.org.
For a more complete outline of maintenance team goals, scope of activities and governance, please read the Maintenance Team Proposal:
Named contributors (to date):
Matthew Buckett, Oxford University (5 hrs/week)
Nuno Fernandes, University Fernando Pessoa (5 hrs/week)
David Horwitz, University of Cape Town (5 hrs/week)
Tony Stevenson, University of Cambridge (3-5 hrs/week)
Seth Theriault, Columbia University (3 hrs/week)
Steve Swinsburg, Australian National University (4 hrs/week)
Anthony Whyte, Sakai Foundation (5 hrs/week)
Aaron Zeckoski, University of Cambridge (5 hrs/week)
Other Contributors (to date):
University of Michigan, up to .5 FTE/week
Unicon Cooperative Support"
Etiquetas: tecnologia
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