Artigo sobre a actividade da UFPUV apresentado em Lisboa
No âmbito da Edineb, foi apresentado um artigo sobre o trabalho desenvolvido na Universidade VirtualTítulo e resumo em anexo:
Using Sakai as a collaborative learning environment to support higher education activityLuis Borges Gouveia, Feliz Ribeiro Gouveia
Considering the actual context of globalisation at a world level, the Bologna process at a European level, and a demographic negative curve at national level, news ways to reinvent higher education practices are urgent.
One simple move can be taking advantage of existing technology to provide the same electronic environment to support traditional presential, that normally is used to elearning initiatives. This move will provide better support to time management for university students and professors and support for their increasing electronic interactions. It also prepares the move to blended learning and distance education initiatives as it prepares educational staff for the use of electronic mediation strategies.
As a result University Fernando Pessoa deployed Sakai 2.1 in February as the elearning platform in traditional and blended learning, after a year-long pilot with Sakai 1.0. The platform, named UV, after Virtual University, is a central part of the University's concern with distance education.
The platform is fully integrated with the Student Information System and the Course Roster, granting access to 5457 users (instructors, students and staff), and to 2088 sites. Although is too early to gather statistics, use of the platform has been increasing, and 25% of the population is currently active, with regular visits.
University Fernando Pessoa is located in Porto, Portugal, and offers twenty undergraduate study programs, thirty master degrees and two doctorate programs in three faculties: Social Studies, Science and Technology, and Health Studies. UFP has been establish since 1989, and has a long-standing effort to use Information and Communication Technologies in its activities, an example being the introduction of laptop computers for freshman students since 1994.
Etiquetas: divulgação, eventos